Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You dont make friends with salad

Tuna Steak Salad

Tuna Salad

Definitly one of my greater moments with this salad. But to make it funnier i had water with my salad too.... I always giggle about that (Eddie Murphy what have you done to me).

This salad was also the usual for me, nothing planned and home late from dog training. I think i do my best work when it is not planned. I believe this is similar to a Nicoise salad as there is salad and tuna and egg.


Tuna Steak (I do not like tin tuna... maybe Sirena...maybe)
1 Egg
Handful green beans
Mixed salad leaves
1 Spring Onion
Teaspoon of mayonnaise
Olive oil
Yugoslavian Grappa
(this made the fish have a sweetish taste it was really amazing, I'm guessing it would be hard to find, as this was a gift to my partner... homemade)


Cut the ends off the green beans and then cut them into 1 inch size pieces
Heat a fry pan with olive oil and cook the beans until bright green
Place the beans in a bowl to the side to cool

Cut the spring onion up while the beans are cooking (i like it when they are on a angle)
Using the same fry pan heat the spring onion (until they become a little bit clearer)
Place the spring onions in the bean bowl to cool

Wash the mixed salad
Place in a large bowl
Add the beans and onion
Add the mayonnaise and mix around till they are lightly coated

Boil water in a small pot (adding salt make it boil faster)
Turn the heat off
Add the egg and let it cook while you cook the tuna (5 mins)
I want the yolk to be runny and mine i would have preferred to be a little runnier but my effort wasn't too bad because i haven't boiled an egg in years and years
Season the tuna with salt and pepper
Heat up a fry pan with olive oil
Add tuna and cook that side till the white (cooked part) comes up to about half way
This is where i added a couple of splashes of the grappa (careful because it spits up)
Turn the tuna
Wait till the tuna is almost cooked (there needs to be pink left)
Turn the heat off and cover fry pan with lid

Take the egg out of the water and put it in a bowl of cold water with ice
Remove the egg and peel off the shell

The tuna will be cooked through
Cut the tuna in strips (cubes would work nicely too)
If you have some juices left in the pan pour over the cut tuna

Grab a plate and put the salad mix on it
Place the tuna on top
Place the peeled egg on top of the tuna
Hold carefully and cut into quarters

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