Monday, December 1, 2008

Pamper on, Drink on

BYCS gave me a pedicure vouchure for my birthday.
which was very nice.
i had my iphone on silent and was taking photos of the lady.... she didn't even know.

It was a bit shit the chair was broken, so my brocken back stayed sore... sniff

thats the super bright nail polish i picked. It looks orange but its like a super red pink.

Saturday night was filled with curling hair and hair spray and drinking.
I really like drinking out of the V&B goblets, they are heavy and pretty and looks good cause of the large liquid holding area. hahaha

I think i did a superb job on BYCS hair.... i hope she was happy.

The Pelican!

Was here on saturday night drinking and eating tapas..... its expensive tapas about 15-20, but the flavours are amazing and love it.

We sat outside in a both (if you look at the photo the non circle booth on the right side of the photo)

I was drinking a Lychee/rum/mint/ok nows i forget but it was potent and scrumcious.


More shananigans

Slept all day with my goddaughter
Dakota she is so cute. Blue Staffy
After all day sleep times Rockpool came calling
Belated birthday dinner of sorts for Mr Blogless.
Gin Martinis -
Medium steak -
various sides
but i loved my side of boiled green with olive oil and lemon... yum yum
desert was lovely being, lactose intolerant its really difficult for me to get anything other than sorbet BUT BUT BUT rockpool has a strawberry desert and they just took off the cream hahahah i love it
it was cut up strawberrys with mini cubes of strawberry jelly and somesort of liquer but i dont think it was cointreau.


Cotton Socks said...

a couple of full stops and commas would help a lot for me to read.

the voucher wasnt for ur bday
i got the voucher for helping me with ikea
i got u a scarf for ur bday

Ms Blogless said...

O that's so true. I'm sorry, I must have forgotten how good I am at ikea furniture making.